Video 4
4. Fragrance of Vedanta: Narada Bhakti Sutras
namaskar their devotees and friends today is the first saturday morning of the month we will study the the series is going on at the fragrance of vedanta and now we are studying narada bhakti this is also the part of the vedanta vedanta the moment we say vedanta mostly we feel that or mean it as advaita vedanta but in reality the vedanta has three advaita vishishtadvaita and now we are discussing about the duit of iran which is dualism and and devotion but the devotion is so great we'll discuss that before that let us remember the god salutation to god and then we'll start yes yes [Music] friends today is the fourth discussion on the narada bhakti sutra and we have started from the january and in we we came to the verse and today i think we'll be studying the fifth or sixth one fifth sixth seventh like that we will be studying now what is this devotion we all know about devotion devotion means going and praying and giving some the offerings to the god and something but is it devotion that is the reason bhagavan si ramakrishna prescribed that you should study the narada bhakti the narada was a great devotee and what type of devotion he is prescribing sadhu saatvas mean parama pray marupa the first he said let us discuss about the devotion and second he says what is this devotion parama premarupa absolute love parama prema rupa is not so easy when the we use the word parama it is the absolute supreme prima brima means a complete dedication to the object of love and in exchange nothing we can accept or can expect even to accept that nothing so that is called prima the one way it is going on moving parama premarupa and we have discussed all this we won't discuss i'm just mentioning and then what is the characteristics of the love devotion first is premarupa the supreme extreme form of love and amrita sarupacha and when i am going on praying or giving my attention to god in exchange i am not getting anything will that happen no amrita sarupacha full of joy when i am praying to god dedicating myself to god concentrating my mind to god what i gave amrita sarupacha if you have read the biography of maha sharadamani devi a book written by shami gambhira nandaji a very authentic biography if you read that you will find the mahasaradamani devi is to live in a very small house even still it is there if you go to dakshinesha if he was there she used to live in that and she is to cook for bhagavatam krishna she is to attain the lady devotees who used to come to see the bhagavan sirama krishna so all those things used to do only into that small the place and at the same time she is to attain her mother-in-law too apart from all these meditation japa when she used to do in the midnight and where she used to leave there was no bait at all on the bare floor she used to lie down and most of the time is to use her hand as the pillow that was the and for years together not that she could come out openly mixed with people not at all in those days the ladies were always behind the cotton in that just imagine the condition but afterwards she used to say oh those days i used to feel always that i am drinking the bleach the nectar of please she was all the time so happy amrita got rid of to feel that within my heart there's a picture full of nectar is there so the devotion is the nature of joy not dry devotion i am going on praying praying and nothing is no that means it is not a true devotion the love supreme love goes towards god and i also get my fill with the amrita sarupacha filled with the please then the fourth one it says how i will know that either my love my devotion is of the truest nature the perfect nature as the highest nature after having that a human a person become perfect trip to bhavati and full of joy and full of containment that these are the signs of devotion those uh we are studying these the great book that our narada the great muni the narada is the champion of the devotees so we can say that when the narada is saying he experienced it and then only he is saying this what is means the devotion after developing that devotion after getting that love for god what happens siddhu it becomes perfect and the perfection this is also we should understand this is a wonderful way they say the perfection means you will never make any mistake that's called perfect you'll never when he's saying something doing something you'll never make any mistake why as bhagavan sirama krishna is to say if the father is holding the hand of the child and the child will never falter he'll never fall because the father is holding and now the god is holding the hand of the devotee and he can never make any mistake sometimes some people apparently known as the great devotee but when they talk they talk rubbish or the statement that they give about the god or the spiritual life is not that way good the lot of contradictions are there that means is not a true devotee but if you check the statements of bhagavan's ramakrishna you'll find no such thing those who know about the spirituality about the religion they will understand each and every word that the bhagavatam krishna said was perfect no mistake and for applicable to each and everyone young after the realization or we can say having developed the love for god devotion a person become perfect siddho bhavati and bhagavan si ramakrishna is to say the siddha means boiled in the bengali they say siddha means boiled and when you boil and potato potato usually is very hard but when you are boiling it it becomes very soft so when a person becomes sid though in the spiritual life his heart become very compassionate full of love compassion for each and everyone very soft very kind only just wearing the geruah and then going on declaring that i am a religious person look at their character how they are talking how they are behaving what they want no they are not religious people anyone can put the girl it is available in the market but how we will know that he's a spiritual person this siddha bhavati he becomes so kind-hearted so compassionate so full of love so full of sympathy and so perfect and full of please full of joy if you go to that person if you listen his talk you feel joy encouragement you will never say anything that will that put you down no neighbor always encourages always encourages the swami vivekananda everything positive rabindranath he wrote about swami vivekananda read swami vivekananda in him everything is positive and nothing negative a perfect person a man of devotion can never be negative is always positive encouraging each and every one so that is amrita bhavati because full of joy full of please trip to bhavati this is the last word they say about triptu bhavati means the one the devotee is always satisfied that somebody is praising someone swamiji you give the class on that subject but i felt the other another swami gave the same talk it was so good you should not feel hey why you then one of my friends i really appreciate him i went to visit his asthma then he was in charge of that asthma he told since you have come why don't you take my class i am supposed to give a gita class so and that was the sunday jupiter take that class until okay so buddhawa sat by side of side and they introduced and i talked about bhagavad-gita then afterwards as is the system we came out to greet the people and the people are going out devotees are going out and greeting us and naturally i was a visitor so now so they were saying swamiji you spoke very well we liked it very much and like this one gentleman he made a great mistake and out of i don't know emotion he both of us standing side side by side and he came and he told swamiji your krita class i could understand everything and i really i developed the interest in reading gita we read gita here every day but i was not that way getting interest in that this the swami who was standing by my side he said who gives that gita class he said there's a you give them then you say see it is an insult to me you cannot say that on my face i really appreciated the way he handled that you know any human being will feel insulted when someone is coming and talking like that but he told just with the smiling face hey you are insulting me be aware of it i may feel insulted so like that that means full of satisfaction oh it's okay this if someone is coming and praising you it's all right there's no problem for me there are some people who likes me like me that this is the way so always tripto bhavati why we don't bother about these worldly things what is this someone is praising someone is criticizing someone is giving a gift someone is going somewhere else it doesn't matter at all for a man of satisfaction for him it is god and when he sees god outside and inside doesn't need anything so this is it says become perfect and at the same time full of love and compassion for others amrita bhavati all is full of joy the please and trip to bhavati this is the perfect way and the today we will have this siddha bhavati amrit bhavati and tripto baba do you have to remember this what is the love divine love love parama prema roopa it is a full of prema the devotion is full of love parama the highest form and the prema means only one way love i don't care about whether you like me or not love me or not give some return or not but when i am loving god or putting my mind in devotion to god and concentrating my whole mind to god and in exchange what i get i get anand i get please this too this is the when i we are going to the temple offering puja praying to god and that doing for years after years but what is the result result is this then afterwards it in the he says siddho bhavati become perfect always joyful and immortal no fear for death tripto bhavati always satisfied now the perfect the jesus he said be therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect so we understand jesus much better way because the vedanta what is the perfect the perfection means there cannot be any mistake so the who is perfect god the synonyms of the perfection the perfect is god the god is perfect now the jesus is telling you have to realize god that means in a different way he is telling you should be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect that means realize god and become god i don't know why they can say you are a sinner where from this conception came so how can a person who has the potentiality to realize god and to become perfect like god can be a sinner swamiji is also telling religion is realization what is to realize god and when we are realizing god unless and until we are realizing god in this very life we are not complete with the religion religion is realization anything that we are doing is nothing but the process now unless you get the graduation certificate from the university then you are not a graduate you just enrolled in the in the university in the college then afterwards you're not studying or even if you are studying you are not giving full attention to that and failing in all the exam can you claim that i am graduate from the university no you have to complete that get become perfect in that get the certificate from the university then only people will consider you and similarly in the spiritual life when can you say that i am a spiritual person a religious person a devotee when you realize god the jesus said you should be perfect swami vivekananda said you must realize because religion is nothing but realization unless you are becoming god yourself you are not a perfect person in the saints of the devotion so this is what they always say bhagavan sirama krishna he as i told you he said that you know they become boiled like they're very soft very kind now the amrita about immortal the god is eternal a devotee also become eternal after realizing god now sometimes what is that eternity does it mean that physically we'll survive or that will be terrible that cannot be and no one will want that i i should be physically present all the time all through that is not possible and that will be very peculiar idea so what do you want you will find majority of the people they want that their name should be there people should remember them and those like the kings and administrators they will make the images big big images and they will place in different places so the people will remember them so that is the way they always think does that immortality no the each and every one like to leave like to immortal like to be mortal and now we can say the lord buddha was almost like three thousand years still people are remembering him is not that immortality he realized the truth and after realizing the truth like the truth itself like the brahman itself the knowledge itself which is eternal the person also who truly realized became eternal like the jesus for 2 000 years people are remembering jesus and it is eternal the same way other the great personalities they are eternal so that is the we can't think but that doesn't mean eternal means merging with that eternity and you become eternal yourself and the drop of water that fall in the ocean became ocean similarly when you go and merge with the god we become god and we become eternal that is the conception of the amrit that is the amrita bhavati so this means joy eternal please so in our country they say there's a story that the ocean was churned and the full picture of the nectar was found over there and whoever drank became eternal the mainly the gods they got the opportunity to drink so they became eternal etc etc so still the people if they go to attain that function it is the greatest show of the world they say the millions of people will go and thinking that that very moment if you take it deep you will become eternal what is that eternity is it full of joy how it is possible when we get the complete conception of god within us so the all the external thing as a ritual that we do actually inspiring us to understand true purpose true philosophy behind this and what is that this body may die jesus also died buddha died all this great krishna and the rama ramakrishna all the pastor they gave up their bodies but they are leaving eternally in the hearts of the people so that is the idea we should be like that we should do or think in such a way the people will remember us or i will be with god and automatically i'll be eternal so this is the eternity and it's called tripto bhavati they're satisfied that's because i have got the realize the god no question of anything else in bhagavad-gita it says the sixth chapter second twenty second verse it says yam labdua after realizing god param lavam you don't desire to have anything else because that is completely satisfied so suppose you go to see your grandson grandchild somewhere and when you are going there is some problem in the ticket and some problem in the flight and somehow you are reaching over there and after reaching over there when the the child come and embrace you and sit on your lap and you are just casually embracing the baby if someone comes and says oh come you i will take you to show you a flower will you go i have come such a long distance and with after all this problem only to have the company of my grandchild so at this moment i don't like to go anywhere to see the flower or whatever because he was satisfied so this is a just a simple example that we always know we feel and this is our experience the same thing happens when you realize god and god is so satisfactory and the god is coming and embracing you and with you and you are full with that if someone comes and says hey there is a beautiful jewelry do you like to go and have that will you desire for that or if you go over there they are distributing the free land we can grab at least one acre free let us go and you will say no so that exactly happens in the lives of the great sages you will find there's so many things people like to offer them when they say it is okay i don't like it why they are satisfied and unless that tripty has come the satisfaction has come i don't need anything else that conception has come you are on the way and maybe little far from the goal so devotion means what is the devotion just going to the temple and offering some flower and the fruits and then having some priest uttering some mantra these are all very basic basic things very basic the devotion means this and after getting that you don't need anything then we'll the read the fifth uh aphorism of the naradiya bhakti sutra sutra means aphorism and what is aphorism in our introduction we said it is in a very small and maybe hardly one line or two lines a few words only they will give a huge big philosophy they will tell you that i'll teach you that that's collaphorism just with two lines it's a vast philosophy the idea that you get in the fifth it says young prabhu nakimchi banchati now in the fourth words what we got you become perfect and also immortal and satisfied this is all internal and if you say that i have realized god i have developed that devotion as the narada the devotion how people will know that the what you are thinking that should be expressed physically too otherwise simply the people will go and claim like that there are so many people there will be in the name of god in the name of religion simply cheating people so they can they may always say oh whatever you have heard and read in the narada bhakti-sutra that devotion i am having i am complete i am full like that like that but no external also the expression should be there what is that it says means that what is that devotion the supreme devotion to god proper having or attaining now it gives some of the ear sticks do you claim that i have you have realized the devotion or developed the devotion to god okay then it comes nakimchid banchati does not desire anything kinchit the sanskrit word kinshit means anything no i want these i want that no nothing nothing and nothing no banchati banchuti means the desire can cheat anything nothing no desire at all completely satisfied no desire forget about name fame physical comfort and and other things no bunch of he doesn't want that second now chatty he never grieves for anything or any more it does not grieves anymore not rojati third not desti never has does not hate anyone or anything so these are the friends if we remember this sometimes some people they ask how you will know that is a great personality spiritual person how you will know these are the earth sticks if you remember these then if you go and check him but is telling every time you should go and check a monk he's claiming that he's a monk and in bengali he said dina digby rather that means all the time you should observe at the day time when he's coming out and mixing with people and giving the discourses there's the best way he is presenting himself that is one but go and see whether he is following the same thing in his life too or not how he is behaving with people that is the way we have to understand so we get these eared sticks first is the one who has developed love for god is a true devotee and first nakimchid banchati it does not desire anything desire anything means suppose the people in the organization sometimes send out another flyer requesting some donation it's not for particularly for him but for the organization for the work that he is doing for that it may be sometimes people are giving some donation to that person to that sama he doesn't bother about it he is not asking they are giving out of their love for the respect and that is the normal and the tradition in india is one should not go empty hand to a holy person why because they don't earn anything so you have to give something for his survival in exchange you are getting the best advices and guidances from the spiritual person so naturally you should support this is the way it goes here also in america after the the talk from the pulpit the father comes and holds his hat the hat collection and the people going out from the door they will be putting something so that's everywhere so you have to give something some donation because you were getting this but the person the holy person the religious person is not personally deciding anything does not desire anything banchati anymore you know the one great sage we can say of the christian tradition so he was a rich man's son he was living a comfortable life then he saw in dream the jesus then what he will do jesus told that you should follow me then he was also he joined in the monastery and all alone is to live an ascetic life and a very austere life the one day when he was coming back after visiting someone he was not having food not proper dress even the shoe was not proper and it was snowing a very very depressing weather and very cold water and he was going and these suddenly saw from the road in the distance all the houses are lighted inside it is warm and seeing the smoke he could see that they are cooking something inside and he felt the smell also then he started telling himself oh what have i done i was having all this much better than all this i was a rich man's son then why i have taken this life so then the moment the thought crossed in his mind he repainted oh my god why this type of thought should come in my mind the i must punish myself then what he did he dug the snow and put himself there and went and sat over there and keeping only the neck out for breathing and whole night he was completely meditating on jesus and praying to him forgive me because the temptation came to me i am so happy that you have accepted me as your follower and then the next day morning all the devotees all the villagers came they saw him over there they saw a glow of light coming out that the story goes like that and then they came to see what is that glow what is that light then they found that the great sage is inside the snow meditating and from his head only that divine light is coming up so this is the way now showchati once you have given up you should not think why i have given up that i could give these or i could do that like this in india there is a system that to control your and the and the love for something particularly something eatables some fruits you should go and give that fruit to god because i love to eat mango very much then you should offer to god and say god i give it and i will never eat mango by that way you are controlling your tongue so that is the different way the teachers the one gentleman whenever we used to offer the apple he used to behave very people don't never give the apple to me i don't like apple take it away and he himself will get up and then put that plate of apple in a distance the one i told okay you are not eating is all right but why you react if even one or two pieces of apple coming to your plate you don't eat that's okay doesn't know swamiji i love apple so much but the problem is i went to that holy place and there i offered the apple to god and i'm afraid if even a piece is there on my turn play it i may out of greed out of that attachment for the apple love for that apple i may eat that by mistake that's because i have promised to god i won't eat so i behave like that so this is not wasting yet this example the gentleman is always aware and not that he's repainting he just explained why he is like that so now show chatty and not these the third one and never hates and how can i hate because i see my god in every being so one who is proclaiming that he's a spiritual person at the same time criticizing others hating others and doing something wrong for the others he is not a spiritual person he may be an administrator he may be a politician he may be a businessman he may be anyone but not a spiritual person that is for sure because the narada bhakti sutra teaches us these and then comes it doesn't take the pleasure in worldly things in the world things it doesn't take the pleasure of course to survive you have to take you have to have the shoe and the coat and the because in the cold weather like chicago you need all those dresses to go out but not ramati not enjoying oh this is my coat is so beautiful and then these that nothing like that the devotees they give the followers they give as a as a token of love it's okay but you are not attached getting attest to that not ramati they take pleasure in worldly things swami vivekananda someone gave a very costly watch so he was he was having that watch and he was traveling when he got down then the man who was driving that uh the car the he took the hand of swamiji and helped him to come out and then he saw the watch and said oh he appreciated that oh you have a very good watch and costly watch oh i i think i should have one like this swami vivekananda immediately took out and then gave you liked it please take it i really don't use it i don't need it immediately the costly gift that someone gave immediately gave because no attachment to that thing and that is called ramati that take pleasure in worldly things and feel eagerness to do anything he is not not sahih bhavati he doesn't do anything out of his own whatever is the god is asking him to do that he does so what are the external thing that by which we can understand the man of devotion this is no kinchit banchati i am reading the sanskrit na kinchit and what is the utsaho for for these worldly things we should have these we should have that he is not having any desire so obviously no utsa bhavati we had a great swamiji afterwards became the president of the ramakrishna mission swami bhutesh anandaji was a great scholar and some of the devotees the wind he used to he never wrote any book what he used to give the talk people is to afterwards much afterwards they could record it and then they transliterate and after a few books have come in his name but he never wrote the book someone told swamiji you are so excellent the exponents of the scripture and your master in the scripture why don't you write a book then he told see my handwriting is very bad if i write then i have to go to read it out to the person who has purchased that funny way he was telling then he told if you write a book then you publish it then in the back of your mind there will be i have to sell the book also then you have to go and tell in every assembly and every opportunity see i have written a book and it is not very costly please purchase this book you will be benefited do you think i should do that with those who write the book sometimes some people they'll be writing the poems and they send and say re please comment on that that means you have to read that and then only comment this is the problem so this way he used to say no no utsa bhavati other people recorded that bhagavan si rama krishna he never wrote any book but the other devotees they recorded that then afterwards they published and it is really beneficial but that person is not at all banking chandra chattanooga they once told bhagavan si krishna that why don't you come to calcutta and give the lecture and you say all you talk so wonderfully suramar krishna said this is the problem with you the city people all the time you think that you should go and give the lecture it is not the way giving the lecture and inspiring people you cannot do anything unless and until you have realized so said you must get the authority from the god fast realize god then only you can go and say and people will listen to you people accept those words so this is the way we have to a desire about the desire it says it bunch of desire yoga bhashishta it says icha matram ignorance so simple if you don't have the desire free from desire is moksha is liberation free from the desire is moksha it is the liberation the moment it is destroyed what the desire you get the liberation where from the desire come it shall come in the bhagavad-gita it says that the moment you come in contact with an object and you develop love for that attachment for that and that goes on taking your mind down down down down ultimately destroy it so in the if you read that very step-by-step in the bhagavad-gita krishna is telling here also it says desire ichamatram at the grieve that dukkha arise in the mind due to the unsatisfied desire what is the duksha dukkha because of that so it says banchadi there is no desire why is completely full that there cannot be any desire how we will judge a religious person who is claiming that he is a realized soul is he having the desire desire for anything that means sometimes we find that giving the advertisement this is that why this desire when the flower is blooming all the bees will automatically come bhagavatama krishna said you need not to go on giving the advertisement oh i am a realized soul come to me i will bless you it is not necessary so this is telling the grief the dukkha arise in the mind due to the unsatisfied desire now showchati means that is no more grieving why grieving because i wanted something but i couldn't achieve that get that so unsatisfied desire being the the grief otherwise not if you don't have such that desire whether somebody else is having that or getting that you don't bother about i sometimes give the example suppose the president election is going on in this country and all of us we are there but we are suppose someone could not be selected i am not at loss i don't feel grieved because no there is no desire at all i am not going to be the president i am not in the run so why should i be they're sorry for that and suppose i am supporting someone wholeheartedly and thinking if they they're also the problem that comes that way but spiritual person should be completely aloof from all those things because our goal is to develop the devotion to god devotion for god so that is the way we should and then comes the hate not twisty we hate when we think someone is not allowing me to satisfy my desire when i become angry i like to do this but someone else comes and we complete that job then i become angry so when again the desire see it comes from the desire everything is coming from the desire i am not getting the satisfaction because my desire is not fulfilled so i become the angry and i hate or i grieve all those things come true devotion brings liberation true devotion means free from desire so what is the devotion then free from desire free from desire so that is the greatest word that the vedanta always says when you think about the devotion that means i am going to get the god and the god should bless me i'll go to the heaven these desires are not desires the desires for the worldly things so that is why again yoga bhashishta i should quote from there it says what is bandha what is the desire that is bondage the bond bondage is nothing but the desire moksha in the yogavashishta he says when you have the desire icha desire that is the ignorance there's a mistake wrong knowledge when you become free from that you get the liberation again it says when you think that you are bound why you are bound by what you are bound because of your desire and what is moksha what is liberation you're free from desire so these are the two things one is with desire without desire now let us read the sixth aphorism of the naradiya bhakti sutra it is true a holy person is not bound by any conventions there may be different expressions in their behavior but here narada muni indicates that knowing god one behaves like an intoxicated one again the narada is giving us the some examples how you will know a holy person so he says become intoxicated and at the same time you become completely inert and atma rama bhavati and also full of joy the joy without the help of anything external so atma the first he said that we can go and check if the the person claiming in this way now friends those who have read the biography of bhagavan sirama krishna you know there was a great debate and in the debate the scholars they all sat they were deciding because the very peculiar it was unseen just those the people they think about the regard they were religion they are devoted that is normal way goes suddenly when they saw bhagavan sirama krishna he a young man and he's crying for god and he's praying to god and the the way if you read the biography you will wonder can one pray to god in such a way so they one lady came lady saint and she told this is the all the symbols that i see the behavioral pattern that i see surama krishna is nothing but the avatar incarnation of god then naturally there was doubt so debate so in our country they always have that bhaka yuta there will be debate on the basis of the scripture so the two groups they sat and how they decided these are the points they discussed look at this person in him we can clearly see that he is not having any desire he's not having any the grieves for that or anything that he has not found or gained no grief at all he's not having the hate and he's not taking the pleasure in worldly possessions things and at the same time he's not at all eager to gain something from this world not saying and and and sometime bhagavan see ramakrishna is talking about god he will get up and start dancing he will forget all around who are the people sitting over there and what will happen what they will think never care so that sudama krishna that showed whatever the narada has pointed out each and everything was applicable and in the life of bhagavan srirama krishna that that the matu bhavati he became that the just like intoxicated one someone who is intoxicated they they don't care about others they will be shouting doing this so this word has been used a man with the spiritual forward spiritual joy he's behaving as if he's intoxicated and stubbed sometimes he'll be sitting like an inner person even the birds will come and sit on his head or on the shoulder and there's it there there's an incident that happened in the life of bhagavan sirama krishna when he was meditating the another priest who was jealous about sudama krishna because the owner of the temple the landlord he used to love sirama krishna very much so he felt jealous the other one and he was thinking the sirama krishna because the people how the people they see to others from their own mind you know that from the same from the mind's mirror they judge others as because he was like that a hypocrite type he was to show that he is a holy man religious man before that rich man the yamindar the mathur babu and he was also thinking that ramakrishna is also doing the same thing to get his favor but suramar krishna was genuine and he was sitting like a stone and this man he was carrying the burning charcoals and put one on his shoulder can you imagine the burning charcoal the touch of it immediately will break your all meditation but sirama krishna motionless stubbed because he was merged with that devotion when that hot charcoal was burning the flesh that smell drew the attention of the other people they came and saved him but he was not aware can you imagine that why i am giving the example of bhagavan sirama krishna because all this thing we can see in the life of bhagavan si rama krishna sometimes he is so joyful he's having fun with the younger people and making all this then suddenly he will become and go into ecstasy and to samadhi and people will come even though one doctor was there dr sarkar he came and he placed his finger on the eyeball of bhagavan's ramakrishna when he was in samadhi if you take the finger too near to your eyes immediately will blink the normal reaction but when he touched the eyeball of the sudama krishna was in that meditative posture it was really something he accepted it must be something special so that is sadama krishna and atma ramo bhavati was so happy all the time there's a jiban muktigita it says that brahmagyana the person who has realized that the joy of god the devotion of god he roams alone constantly all the time and he doesn't bother about anything or anyone ekaki ramati sabha gunavarjita sometimes when you see some people doing something we become angry or that all those things the three guna satya rajatama all those gunas are all dropped only brahma-gyanarasa sadhi and so happy having the brahma-gyana the knowledge of the brahman and seeing the god within feeling that joy friends when you are reading if we try to imagine the god manifesting within our heart and try to feel the joy a little maybe for a fraction of a second and he will feel oh why that man is talking why there is a sound why they created this thing otherwise i was enjoying isn't it so when your meditation is becoming deep and deeper you don't allow any sound you can't accept that and think of a person who is merged into that brahman in great joy so now we will continue with this and then in the next a month we will read the verse seven and some of some more verses so now what we have learned with what we are learning the devotion and what is devotion parama prema that is the definition of the devotion is a parama prima and amrita that means the full of love and at the same time full of joy and then how you will know that someone has got it then we have already discussed these are the external points and these are the internal thing that we will understand we have developed the devotion or someone has developed the devotion so thank you very much and if there is any question let us know so short of chatterjee has a two-part question first part is how can one identify his or hers sub guru second part is maharaj i'm not initiated till now can you suggest me any mantra for japa until i find my guru that this is not the way to get the mantra i don't know from where you are writing if you're in america in america any center all the swamis they give the initiation if you're in india then you have to go to the either president maharaj or some vice presidents there are vice presidents there few one in madras and two in calcutta so you can go or the president marriage in the balloon what itself this moment they are not initiating because the kovich situation they are very elderly people so but this situation will be normal if you write to them and then they will also write you back and guide you that is the possible way and you can pray to god you know all the time pray to god this way you can pray god i want initiation i want the guidance please bring a good guru to me that will also do thank you devashish is asking a two two part question again he's saying in life if we are aiming for something and end up with nothing in bracket property money is it all due to our desires second part question how can we remain calm in that situation instead of getting into negative thoughts or being agitated this is a great question you know the very practical question of course desire the desire because now see that you have to understand these two first if you are dedicating your whole mind and soul for the realization of god then this type of desire should not be there but if you are a householder and like to realize god as being a householder then the property money good job it is also necessary so that is that is the legitimate thing that is necessary you should be there in the life of bhagavan's ramakrishna gospel of krishna you will find again and again so this is the one thing and secondly suppose you are not satisfied suppose you are not successful in your stripe in your effort to get something don't get frustrated something else is waiting for you for sure if you don't get these gets you will get something else have that positive way and at the same time as being a monk i always feel prayer has tremendous power so if you are praying to the god sincerely like a child is praying to the mother with the tearful eyes alone all the time go to god and pray god give me these please give me these i want these and something or other will surely surely happen i can tell you the because it is not my words is the words of bhagavan siddharama krishnama mani devi so if you are genuinely with the open heart praying to god not before everyone but alone secretly you will get the answer all your the prayers that all your desires will be satisfied the next question is from srimad-bishwas she's asking shrima is asking what is desire does it come from our mind the desire is comes from the ahamkara i sense when i i want this i want that you will find that the more we grow the more our desire changes when we wear small kids we always used to have the desire to get the company of my mother i should be with my mother mother should be always with me so like this like that then the more we grow the desire changes so desire comes with the ego so that is the desire thank you friends thank you for with us now let us say three times the shanti and we conclude o musa that's it you